"At Your Service" Paid Promotion Submission Form

The Shaver Lake “At Your Service” page makes it easier for locals and visitors to contact you for your services.

For questions about this program please email Marie Edwards: smedwards6@gmail.com

There is a renewable yearly charge of $100 that will automatically update every year unless you opt out

Would you like to increase your business exposure with local residents or people planning to visiting the Greater Shaver Lake area? By subscribing to our page your business will contribute to the Shaver Lake Civic League (SLCL), a non-profit organization for the purpose of providing resources to support the local Businesses and Community.

Once submitted, one of our Board Members will review it and get it to our Webmaster as soon as possible. If the business ad is approved, it will be posted on the website.

**Approval and publication time is approximately 3-5 business days**

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Find Local Service Providers on the “At Your Service” Page

Website OR Social Media Accounts

Do you currently have a website or social media account you would like us to include?

Do you currently have a logo or business card you wish to show?

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(The file size maximum allowed of the 10MB. Please choose a smaller file.)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(The file size maximum allowed of the 10MB. Please choose a smaller file.)